Slightly to the Right in New Jersey

Conservative comments on New Jersey

Can’t any democrate keep a promise?

Remember back this spring, when Rep.  Rob Andrews, (D-Haddon Heights) ran in the democratic primary for senator against Senator Frank (what’s my name) Lautenberg?  After Robby lost the primary, he said he would not be running to retain his house seat this November.  Well, he has had a change of heart and now has declared he will be running.  My question to him is, “What happened, did you find out you would have to get a real job?”

This is just another example of a democrate that cannot keep their word!  Think it is going to be any different with the rest of them?

To all the idiots in Trenton, and also Washington, DC “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”

September 14, 2008 Posted by | Andrew, Borrowing, Congress, democrats, Liberals, New Jersey, Stupid, Taxes | , , , , , | Leave a comment