Slightly to the Right in New Jersey

Conservative comments on New Jersey

What are they teaching in math courses now?

Gary (triple dipping) Schaer, assemblyman for the 36th district and both mayor and councilman in Passaic has introduced A1943, a bill that would establish a pilot program fot the teaching of personal finance in high school.  This would be an “unfunded mandate” on all schools in the state in the end.  Now, teaching personal finance is a worthy objective, but my question is “What the hell are they teaching in math classes today?”  I remember many a class devoted to percentages, interest, compounding, etc.  Have the liberal teachers and administrators removed this from the curriculum? 

High School was always the place that one was suppose to be prepared to enter the world.  What are we paying these teachers, principals, superintendents and others for if they are not delivering the minimum education for our children.  A basic understanding of money should have been part of the math program, not just at the high school level, but at all levels of the school system!  It is not something that should have to be “mandated” by a schmuck like Schaer! 

All citizens in New Jersey are being taxed to death to provide school systems that only reward the administrators and teachers with outlandish salaries, pensions and benefits.  For this, we currently have a third world education system.  Wonder how I know this?  Just take a look at all of the graduates of this system who are in hock up to their necks in mortgages and loans that they cannot possibly repay! 

To all the idiots who are running the schools in New Jersey who need a schmuck like Gary (triple dipper) Schaer to tell them the obvious, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”


October 17, 2008 Posted by | Abbott Districts, Corzine, New Jersey, Schools, Stupid, Taxes, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment