Slightly to the Right in New Jersey

Conservative comments on New Jersey

Chris Christie, from nothing to 53 ways now to fix New Jersey!

Just when I thought it was safe, I found out Chris Christie has added another two ways to fix New Jersey.  This is amazing that a person who had NO ideas or plans just a few months ago, now has 53 ways.  I guess he is staying up nights thinking them up.  Of course this would explain his ducking opportunitiesto debate Steve Lonegan, he is just too tired!  Anyway, let’s take a look at the latest two ways that Chris Christie is going to fix New Jersey:

  • 52. I will increase the transparency required of candidates seeking office by making the State’s currently inadequate Personal Financial Disclosure Statements match the same heightened level of transparency as their federal counterpart, which will provide voters with a more detailed, comprehensive look at those on the ballot.  When I hear statements like this, I think I am listening to a socialist.  What does the PERSONAL financial information of a candidate have to be made public?  Certain things in this country should be kept a secret and  personal information is one of those items.  If a candidate wants to make their financial information public, that is their decision, but it should not be mandatory.  I cannot believe that any voter is going to choose a particular candidate by what he or she is worth.  Hopefully, they will make that decision after learning through debates and direct questioning the candidates positions on the issues.  This is not a way to fix New Jersey, this is a way to make it a more socialist state.  Of course, Christie makes this promise, but only the assembly and senate can make this a law. 
  • 53. I will allow voters the opportunity to access candidates’ Personal Financial Disclosure Statements online. Currently, these Statements can only be accessed in person, in Trenton. I’ve already proactively posted my Statement on this website to allow you the opportunity to view my financial background.   Again, why does Christie want to invade the privacy of a person?  Why does he think that a person should give up their rights, just because they want to run for public office?  If this is his position, it sure seems that he is more of a socialist than a republican.  It is one thing to know if a current elected official might have conflicts of interest regarding state business and their personal finances.  It is totally different for a person seeking office to have to disclose personal and private information.  Come on Chris, just because you don’t mind posting your private information, don’t think that others should have to give up their rights.  One other thing, he can’t make this happen, but would have to have the assembly and senate pass a law to make it a requirement. 

Well, those are the latest fixes from Christie.  I guess he now thinks that one has to give up their rights to privacy in order to run for public office.  What a sad day it will be in New Jersey if this ever comes to pass.  It seems that we are now seeing the true Chris Christie, liberal socialist, rather than a conservative republican!


Hey Chris, while you are pushing your socialist ideas don’t forget the number one item in New Jersey; “IT’S TAXES, STUPID”!

April 18, 2009 Posted by | Borrowing, Budget, Chris Christie, Christie, Conservative, Corzine, democrats, Governor's Race, illegal aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Pay for Play, Republicans, RINO, Taxes | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chris Christie, from nothing to 51 ways to fix New Jersey in less than three months. (Final 11)

Well, let’s finish up our analysis of Chris Chrisitie’s 51 ways to fix New Jersey.  Hopefully, we can find a few ways that Chris can actually make happen, since up to now, it seems he can’t keep his word on most of these promises.  So getting right to it, here are the last eleven ways:

  • 41. I will eliminate special interest labor union giveaways that increase spending and taxes by ending the use of project labor agreements, which drive up the cost of public construction projects and fail to deliver a public benefit at a time when the economy is shedding jobs and taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet.  Once again, Chris makes a promise here that does not make a lot of sense.  First off, look at the last part of the promises, will he only eliminate these special labor union giveaways when the economy is bad?  Hey Chris, how about when the economy is good?  Further, will you have to have the legislature pass laws that will allow the use of non-union workers on state contracts?  Chris, please explain this promise so we can understand exactly what you want to do here.
  • 42. I will save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and expedite key projectsby utilizing innovative procurement methodologies like Design/Build/Operate/Maintain (DBOM).  Wow, save “hundreds of millions of dollars” !  Now that sounds like a real plan.  But, before going further, do you really know what DBOM is?  Design, Build, Operate and Maintain is a great idea, but not one that is possible in most government contracts for capital projects.  Let’s just use one simple area of state expenditures to show how silly this concept is, highways.  Designing a highway is a cooperative effort between the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the contractor who will actually build the project.  Of course building the project is the contractor’s responsibility, with the over site of DOT.  When the road is finally built, no contractor will “operate or maintain” the highway, since this is not their business.  They just are not equipped for this kind of business.  The responsibility for the operation and maintenance will go to DOT, since this is the reason this department exists.  Once again, can you give us an example of where you would apply DBOM and just how you came up with “hundreds of millions of dollars” of savings.
  • 43. I will eliminate the Legislature’s conflicts of interest by strengthening ethics laws to require State Legislators to either recuse themselves from legislative actions that affect their private sector interests, or publicly disclose these conflicts when they occur.  I think you better go back and study how democratic government works.  The governor cannot strengthen ethics laws, that is only something that can be done by the assembly and senate.  You might suggest that they pass those types of laws, but this is another promise you cannot keep.
  • 44. I will fully eliminate dual office-holding by our State’s elected officials by proposing immediate changes to state law.  Once again, this is a promise you can’t keep, since YOU cannot eliminate dual office-holding, only the assembly and senate can do that.  Of course, you can suggest that our elected officials pass a law like that, but that is all. 
  • 45. I will ban the practice of dual public employment, whereby one person holds a full-time government job while also holding a salaried, elected position. This is one item, that I believe is not just unconstitutional, but also un-american.  If a person has a job like police officer, fireman, teacher, department of public works employee, why should they not be allowed to exercise their constitutional rights and run for office.  Why can’t a police officer also be a school board member?  How about a teacher also being a town council member?   These elected offices do carry small stipend or salary, but to deny  a person their constitutional rights only because they are public employees, is just plain wrong!  What should be proposed though, is an elected official cannot then become a public employee in any position in which they would have authority over in their elected office, without first resigning from that office.  For example, a member of the school board, could not become a teacher in that school district until they resigned from the board.  Come on Chris, being a lawyer, you should know better than to step on people’s rights.
  • 46. I will reform New Jersey’s boards and commissions by only appointing those without conflicts of interest, refusing to create boards and commissions where the memberships create new conflicts of interest, and implementing statutory changes (as needed) to remove any current agency members with conflicts of interest.  I do believe this is one thing he can do, since the governor does appoint many members to various boards and commissions.  The only thing I see being an impediment, is the multitude of favors he will owe all of the people who have blindly endorsed him for governor.  Unless there has  been radical changes in how politics are carried out in New Jersey, these appointments are normally given to those who have supported the governor in one way or another.  Only time will tell if Chris will actually keep this promise, since it is one that he could keep.
  • 47. I will hold government officials accountable for their actions by requiring any elected or appointed official convicted of a crime connected to their official position to forfeit their pension benefits.  This promise will require more than Chris holding officials accountable.  Pension benefits are a contractual item.  They can only be modified or denied by negotiation or judicial methods, not by a governor’s whim.  Once again, I feel that this is a promise that Christie won’t be able to keep.
  • 48. I will strengthen our weak “pay to play” laws by eliminating special interest labor union loopholes to ensure labor unions are treated just like any other entities that have contracts with government.  This again is a promise that Christie can’t keep.  Only the assembly and senate can pass a law that would stop this practise.  One has to wonder how much of a chance that would have of passing, since the representatives and senators receive a lot of money from the unions.  One other thing also, will Christie push for a “Play then Pay” law which would prevent accepting campaign money from people who had benefited from contracts that one gave them prior to their seeking office?
  • 49. I will give New Jerseyans a stronger voice in government by amending the State Constitution to create a statewide initiative and referendum process to allow public questions to be placed on the ballot.  Chris, Chris, Chris, listen to what you said, “I will give New Jerseyans a stronger voice” but then you acknowledge that the State Constitution has to be amended.  Again, this is promise you can’t keep.  You can suggest this change be made, but unless the assembly and senate agree to ask for an amendment, this will go no where.
  • 50. I will provide New Jerseyans regularly occurring opportunities to petition for their government for action by amending the State Constitution to include a provision, whereby every 10 years, voters will have the opportunity to convene a popularly-elected Constitutional Convention.  Again, Chris has promised something he cannot deliver!  This would require an amendment to the state constitution.  This can only be done by the assembly and senate, not the governor!  Come on Chris, tell us how you could get this done.
  • 51. I will increase honesty and openness in government by requiring fully search-able and transparent websites for all state and local governments and school districts, providing links to property records and taxes, government payrolls, expenditures, school performance report cards, and other information. All information would be accessible to the public no later than 45 days following the close of each fiscal year.  Once again, here is a promise that he has not chance of keeping, and is just arrogant.  If he wants to do something like this, just stick to the state level.  Let the counties and local governments make their own rules.  The last thing Christie should be worrying about is local government.  In most cases in the state, this level of government is running pretty good, and would run better with less state interference, not more.  Chris, worry about the state, and let local government do what it does best, taking care of the citizens of the towns and cities they serve.

Well, that is a review of the 51 ways that Chris Christie says will fix New Jersey.  The problem I see with them, is that except for a few of them,  most of them are ones that he cannot do a thing about.  Most of them would require new laws, or constitutional amendments.  Others would require larger government, and more expenses, not less.   All of them though, have no example of just what he would do to keep these promises.  One would have more confidence in these promises, if Chris would offer specific examples of items he would change, and just how he would accomplish it.  Well, I for one always want to know if “Promises made” can actually become “Promises kept”.  I guess Chris does not want to have that being held over his head if he should become governor.


Hey Chris Christie, it is great to have 51 ways to fix New Jersey, but don’t ever forget the most important thing of all, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID”!

April 17, 2009 Posted by | Borrowing, Budget, Chris Christie, Christie, Conservative, Corzine, Debt, democrats, Governor's Race, illegal aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Pay for Play, Property Taxes, Republicans, Taxes | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chris Christie, from nothing to 51 ways to fix New Jersey in less than three months. (Continued)

Hey kids, it is time to continue the analysis of Christ Christie’s 51 ways to fix New Jersey.  In the last episode, we examined the first 10 of these way, and found a lot lacking in them, lets see want the next 10 look like.

  • 11. I will require a “sunset” provision of four years on any new or expanded program and veto spending for any new (or expanded) program that doesn’t include such a provision. I’ll measure the performance of each and every government program. If a program isn’t serving taxpayers efficiently and effectively, I’ll eliminate it.  Now this one sounds great on the surface, but can anyone out there see the first flaw in this promise?  If anyone said the “FOUR YEARS” you get a cookie!  He will eliminate any program that is not serving the taxpayers, but only if we give him another term after the first one.  I guess in his mind this is a great idea, but what if he is elected and just plain sucks?  Do we give him another four years just so he might eliminate some programs?
  • 12. I will require a 2/3 majority vote to impose any new tax, or to increase existing taxes.By passing a State Constitutional Amendment, we can prevent massive tax increases in the future, like the 103 tax increases passed during the Corzine/McGreevey administrations.  Talk about a promise he could never keep!  He will require a 2/3 majority vote!  The only problem with this is he knows as well as anyone out in Internet land knows, this can only be mandated via an amendment to the constitution, and the chance of that happening, at least in the first four years are “slim and nil, and slim went to lunch!”
  • 13. I will save taxpayer dollars and end political cronyism by eliminating political patronage jobs.  Once again, a great idea, but he would only have control over those jobs he has direct control over.  Further, his previous history of giving out no bid-contracts to friends and associates does not bode well for him keeping this promise.
  • 14. I will lower overtime costs by reducing the number of state holidays and eliminating those not recognized as federal holidays.  Now this is a real interesting statement.  The only holiday I can think of that is a State holiday and not a Federal holiday is Lincoln’s birthday.  OK, he can eliminate that one, but except for non-contractual workers, he would have to negotiate this at contract time.  Once again, a hurdle that he cannot even think of addressing until contracts are up.  Great promise, but once again a fix he cannot possibly do in the first two or three years, and it would be open to backlash from the unions.
  • 15. I will increase efficiency and lower costs by changing to a single, unitary approach to state public employee compensation, benefits, and work rules – ending the separate statutes governing health benefits, antiquated civil service rules, and the collective bargaining agreements.   Again, big promises, but very little chance of doing.  Each union has it’s own negotiating committee and contract wants.  To say he will change to a single, unitary approach is just a wild dream.  Anyone who is in business and has to deal with multiple unions knows this (hey, it’s that business background again).  Just go ask a CEO of an airline how difficult it is to negotiate with multiple unions.  Getting any one union to agree to anything is a problem, but getting two or more to agree is just plain impossible.  Nice idea, but no chance of getting it done.
  • 16. I will fight pension abuse, starting with the removal of more than 300 political appointees who are a part of the pension system by virtue of being paid to attend monthly meetings of boards and commissions of which they are members.  This is one he actually might have a chance to accomplish.  The problem will be if those 300 political appointees are ones that the governor directly appoints.  If so, he could terminate their appointments and let them walk with the pension benefits they had accumulated up to that point only.  The one problem though, is if these people have been appointed by other entities, he will have no chance what so ever of getting rid of them.
  • 17. I will increase fairness and reduce costs by bringing state public employee compensation and benefits back in line with employees who have defined contribution plans (such as federal government employees) by closing defined benefit plans for new employees, and replacing them with defined contribution plans.  Once again, big words, but until contract negotiations begin, the existing contracts remain in effect and he cannot change them.  When the time does come though for contract negotiations, why will this only apply to new employees?  Why not stand tough and make it mandatory for ALL employees!  This is a change that will bring labor in New Jersey into the real world, the one that the normal taxpayer lives in.  It is going to be very interesting to see that negotiation being done by a person who has never negotiated any labor contracts.  I wish him luck, he is going to need it!
  • 18. I will eliminate pension and health benefits for all part-time employees and political appointees. Only full-time employees should qualify for a public pension.  Again, big words, but he can only eliminate those pension and health benefits for appointees that he appoints, not ones made by other people or agencies.  This is just another promise that has little if any value.
  • 19. I will require all new state hires and state employee retirees to contribute to their health insurance costs. Big promises again, but again, open to current contracts provisions and not something he can just do overnight.  It would take time until contracts come up for renewal and will be subject to negotiations.  Plus, why is it only new state hires, and retirees?  How about the current employees? 
  • 20. I will implement aggressive economic growth strategies via public-private partnerships like the “New Jersey Partnership for Action.” The Partnership for Action will save taxpayer dollars by consolidating Trenton’s many inefficient and ineffective fragmented economic development activities into one single agency.  Why do we need any of these economic development groups, strategies or an agency.  If a real business climate was developed in New Jersey, one that featured extremely low, or no corporate taxation, companies would be fighting each other to move to here!  Just look at states like Nevada, that have zero corporate taxes, their business growth is phenomenal!  This “promise” is nothing more than a smoke screen which would be like a shell game.  Move the pea around and then try and find it.  Here, move the activities around and see if anything changes. 

Well that wraps up another 10 of the 51 ways Chris Christie will fix New Jersey.  Right now, it looks like a lot of nothing and very little fixing.  But, we still have 31 more ways to investigate.  So stay tuned for the next episode of Chris “THE WHOPPER” Christie does New Jersey!

Hey Chris, you might have 51 ways to fix New Jersey, but don’t ever forget, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”


April 12, 2009 Posted by | Borrowing, Budget, Chris Christie, Christie, Conservative, Corzine, Debt, democrats, Governor's Race, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Pay for Play, Property Taxes, Republicans, RINO, Taxes | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chris Christie, from nothing to 51 ways to fix New Jersey in less than three months.


Back in January, Chris Christie was asked what his plans, ideas and views on the multitude of problems that face New Jersey.  At that time, Chris had no answers for any of those problems.  In fact, until only two weeks ago, Chris had very little of anything to say on how he would fix New Jersey.  All he was running on was his record as a federal prosecutor and his record on corruption. 

A few things have changed for Chris in the past couple of weeks.  His reputation as a politician free of ethical problems has now been challenged.  This I will go into detail at another time, but for now it is enough to make him rethink his current campaign strategy.  What has gotten me really thinking, is how can anyone, go from no ideas, to fifty-one (51) in less than three months.  He has been campaigning very hard, especially at the card-check county conventions.  I just don’t see how he had anytime to sit down and really think these issues through.  Since, I believe that is the case, let’s take a look at each one over the next posts:

  1. I will change the way our state budgets its dollars by building our budget upward. I will first determine how much money we have, then determine our most important priorities, and then fund those top priorities. Less critical programs will have to wait.   Well, nothing new here!  Every other person who has run for or been elected has promised to do this.  Of course, Christie has no experience in governmental budgets, so I just don’t believe he is capable of keeping this promise since he has not record of doing it in the past.
  2. I will stop the instant renewals of ineffective programs by ending the practice of providing automatic incremental budget increases across the board, or requiring across-the-board cuts in programs. Across the board increases and cuts are an inefficient method of deciding what programs deserve increases, decreases or funding at all. Wow, what a promise this is, but it sure is long, how about we take a shot at shorting it first.  In short, good programs would get more money, bad programs would get less or none, effectively killing them.  So, another promise like any other candidate who has run before.  Only problem is, never has done anything like this before.  Well, promises are cheap, accomplishments are what really counts.
  3. I will insist that every spending program be placed on the table for discussion come budget time before it is funded. Golly gee, I hate to tell Christie this, but this is how all New Jersey budgets are made.  The Governor makes the original budget, than the Assembly and Senate, add, subtract, add, subtract, but in the end, manly add.  I guess he can keep this promise, since it already is being done.
  4. I will make full use of my veto pen – the absolute veto, conditional veto, and line-item veto – to shape legislative and budget policy.  I guess like any child who would have new toys, he would like to use these veto powers.  The problem I again see, is that he has never used anything like this before.  Well, one can only hope that he would use them when he got to Trenton.
  5.  I will rely only on recurring revenue to balance our state budget, not one-shot gimmicks like federal stimulus aid or other revenue unlikely to recur in future years.  Now, this sounds pretty good, except for one thing, he does not include borrowing to balance the budget, like previous governors have done, in-spite of the fact the constitution of the State of New Jersey only allows borrowing with approval of the voters.  I guess he does not think that is important enough for him.
  6. I will save taxpayer dollars with an independently-elected State Auditor who will focus on annual audits of accounts and funds. Beyond the Auditor’s stricter accounting, the office will save additional tax dollars by combining the overlapping and ineffective efforts of political appointees like the State Auditor, Comptroller, State Commission of Investigation, and Inspectors General.  Now we are getting into some good stuff!  Here, he wants to create another taxpayer funded position, that will require staff, offices, outside contractors, etc.  Further, he wants to get rid of investigators, and inspectors.  Don’t you think it might be a better idea to get the people who are already being paid to do their job, rather than create a whole new bureaucracy?
  7. I will run our state government like a business by having the State Auditor conduct regular performance reviews on all state programs, local governments and school districts to ensure they are performing their intended purpose with respect and care for tax dollars.  What is he really saying here?  First he says he will run the state government like a business, when he has no experience at all running any type of business.  Then he goes on to say he will give that task over to another person (the new bureaucracy he created) and they will go after local governments and local school districts.  Hell, most small towns and school districts would work better with less state government, not more!
  8. I will recoup wasted taxpayer dollars by appointing a Special Prosecutor to conduct a thorough audit of government programs and will seek reimbursement of misspent funds until our State Auditor is in place.  You have to love lawyers!  No matter where they go, or what they do, they will always find something for their lawyer friends to do.  Once again, he wants to increase the size of government, without first holding accountable the people who are suppose to be doing this job!
  9. I will increase accountability in our spending practices by barring private sector companies who misspend or overspend state funds from future state contracts until they provide restitution back to the state.  If I read this right, he wants the companies that currently do business with the state, to give the state it’s monies worth.  If not, the companies would not be allowed to do further business with the state.  Damn, what a rocket scientist statement! Of course, if he already had any idea of how a company work, no purchasing agent in his right mind would ever make another purchase, or give another contract to someone who had already screwed his company.  I guess Christie does not quite understand the statement he made in item #7. Oh, by the way, there is no such thing as a public sector company Chris, unless you are including GM, Chrysler, AIG and such. 
  10. I will eliminate wasteful and inappropriate state purchases by appointing a “Taxpayer Advocate” in the Division of Purchase and Property to audit each and every government purchase order until our State Auditor is in place. No more $600 cellphones for state employees.  Once again, here Christie goes increasing the size of government!  He will hire a “Taxpayer Advocate” who will audit every purchase order.  Of course, the advocate will need a staff, offices, investigators, etc., etc., etc.  Let me give him one small piece of advise, and maybe save us a ton of money.  Why not promise just to fire anyone who buys $600 cellphones?  A real businessman would do that, without the need of an advocate!

Well, that is enough for this post.  Ten of the Fifty-one ways Chris Christie hopes to fix New Jersey, and the sense I get from them, is he wants to increase government, and run it like a business, in which he has not experience doing.  Well, I will get the next ten ways up soon, and maybe we can understand just what Christie is planning, I hope.

Well until next time kids, just remember, Chris Christie, and all of the idiots in Trenton, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”


April 9, 2009 Posted by | Budget, Chris Christie, Christie, Conservative, Corzine, Debt, democrats, Governor's Race, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Pay for Play, Republicans, RINO, Taxes | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Question of Principles

In the past few weeks, it has once again been revealed that while he was the  United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, Chris Christie  gave no-bid contracts to personal and business friends.   These were not just your run of the mill government contracts, but rather multimillion dollar contracts.  One of the contracts given out went to his former “boss” in the federal government, former Attorney General, John Ashcroft.  This contract was for $52 million dollars!  Another one went to an “old” friend’s law firm.  This contract was for over $3 million dollars. 

Although Ashcroft has not contributed, at least yet, to Chris Christie’s gubernatorial campaign, the “old” friend’s law firm partners have made the maximum contributions for themselves and also for their wives.  The old friend has also, along with his wife, made the maximum contribution too.  Now, because this occurred while he was working for the federal government , and the contract was given out before the contribution was made, it is not illegal under the Pay-to-Play laws.  In fact, I wish to now coin another phrase in politics though, the “Play-then-Pay” scheme.  Let me have the contract now, then later on, I will contribute to any political campaign you might enter in the future.   Sounds like the perfect way to get around the Pay-to-Play laws.

One problem I have had with the anointing of the savior, Chris Christie, by the Republican leadership in New Jersey, is the lack of insight into the man’s true feelings and principles.  Because of this, we have to dig into his past political positions and see how they compare with his more recent practises.  Well, one item jumps out like a stop light on the road of moral discipline.  Back when Chris Christie was a Morris County freeholder for two years (his only political position ever) his only real contribution was to place in effect a policy to require three bids on all county contracts, even no-bid contracts!  Since this was prior to his appointment as a U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, it shows that he flip flopped on his commitment to protect the interests of taxpayers.  if this is what he did when he was the top federal government lawman in the state.  If now  wnat to hide technical legalities to defend his actions, really calls into question his principles.  This I believe is a very disturbing look at the man who promises to “clean up Trenton”!

April 4, 2009 Posted by | Chris Christie, Christie, Corruption, Corzine, democrats, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Pay for Play, Republicans, RINO | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The second coming of Christie Witless

As everyone who follows this blog knows, I feel that Chris Christie is a liberal republican, who is being controlled by the state republican committee.  Christie has zero experience in running anything on the scale of the government of New Jersey.  He has not proposed a clean and simple platform, but has only reiterated talking points given to him by the leaders of the state committee.  Currently, he is being endorsed by RINO’s and state party lackeys who have placed ambition in front of principles. 

Well, I am not the only one who thinks this way.  The only conservative columnist in the state of New Jersey in my opinion, Paul Mulshine thinks the same.  In a fantastic article, he compares the current Christie, with the last Christie we had, Christie Whitless.  Why not take a moment and read his opinion, I think you might find it very revealing!

For Chris Christie, Christie Witless, and Governor Stupidhead, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”

February 11, 2009 Posted by | Abbott Districts, Borrowing, Budget, Christie, Corzine, democrats, illegal aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Lawyers, Liberals, New Jersey, Republicans, Taxes | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More Cupcakes then you would find at a Dunkin’ Donuts!

As part of the Christie campaign’s 30 Days of Good News Tour, it was announced that state Senator Joe Kyrillos will Chair the campaign’s State Leadership Team.  Kyrillos will chair a committee consisting of the entire House Republican congregation except Congressman Scott Garrett.  Other notables on the team include state Senators Kean, Beck and Baroni.  Other than Congressman LoBiondo, the only other South Jersey member is Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson. 

Someone once told me that a candidate is only as good as the group of people he surrounds himself with.  Well, it looks as if Christie is on his way to the diabetic ward.

The complete list of cupcakes follows: 

State Senator Joe Kyrillos, Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, Congressman Leonard Lance, Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Congressman Chris Smith, Former Congressman Mike Ferguson, State Senator Tom Kean, Jr., State Senator Bill Baroni, State Senator Jen Beck, State Senator Gerry Cardinale, State Senator Andrew Ciesla, Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce, Assemblyman Jay Webber, Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson, and Bergen County Clerk Kathleen Donovan


February 11, 2009 Posted by | Christie, Corzine, democrats, Lawyers, Liberals, Lonegan, New Jersey, Republicans | , , , , , | 1 Comment

Global Warming, a lawyer’s viewpoint

On Sunday I buy the Bergen Record, possibly the most liberal newspaper in the state.  I buy it for the local sports and schedule of events for the coming week, since Garfield is in Bergen county.  Then, just so I feel I get my monies worth, I read the fiction section, normally called the opinion page.  Well, one article in this section truly caught my attention, since it dealt with the subject of Global Warming.  As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am, along with an ever growing hoard of scientists convinced that this whole subject of Global Warming is nothing more than a bunch of crap.  Well, that hoard of scientists must be pretty large, because it seems that the Bergen Record could not find any true scientists to author an article on Global Warming.  In place of true experts, they have now turned to lawyers for their opinion.  Don’t believe me, well follow this link to the article:

When I read this article, the first thing I thought was what moron wrote this tripe.  That is why when I read the credentials of the authors, and I stopped rolling around the floor in a fit of laughter, I started to wonder why these professors of law would be writing this junk.  Well, not being a rocket scientist, it took me awhile, but after 10 seconds, I figured it out, the bastards are pushing this junk science in order to open the door for a whole new class of tort lawsuits, “the Greenhouse Warming Offense”.

Think about it, we could soon be seeing ads on TV asking you:

Sweating more than usual affecting your sex live?

Perspiration staining your best cloths?

People calling you a sweating pig?

Well, call the law offices of Shyster, Shyster, Pettifogger and Dufus and we will sue the crap out of everyone!  Yes, we win the big ones and of course keep our one-third of the award, and expenses and other monies so you will get at least a token and a cup of coffee out of it.

When a society turns science over to lawyers and politicians, and allows them to enact social policy based on fantasy, all of society will suffer.  This is one area of the social arena that we have to take away from these morons.  This state and country will need more and more energy from dependable sources in order to continue to provide all of our citizens a progressive lifestyle that they can afford.

To all of the idiot lawyers in New Jersey, when we take over Trenton in November, tort reform will be one of the areas that will be addressed.  But until then, you along with the other idiots in Trenton just remember, “IT’S TAXES, STUPID!”

January 23, 2009 Posted by | Alternative Power, Carbon Tax, Corzine, democrats, Drilling, energy, Gas Tax, Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases, Lawyers, Liberals, Oil, Oil Drilling, Stupid | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment